Operation Manuals
Flue (combustion) gas analysers current models
Pressure Measurement current models
Gas Leak Detection current models
Flue (combustion) gas analysers older generation
Diagnosis older generation
Gas Leak Detection older generation
Mobile Apps
Remote Display on smartphone

- For flue gas analysers with wireless connection
- Live representation of measurement data on smartphone.
- Printout and CO switch-off at analyser via App.
- Customer-related storage of measurement data.
- Export as PDF/*csv file via email, Cloud, …
Further information can be found HERE; simply click on the manufacturer icon for a free download.

Download for older Android versions up to Android 10
Troubleshooting guide for communication problems (WiFi)
PC- Software - Flue Gas Analysis
Connection of flue gas analyser to PC via USB cable (at analyser resp. at radio control module of ecom-J2KNpro) or wireless via WiFi.
Representation and protocol of measurement courses + data processing for the flue gas analysers ecom-D, ecom-EN2/F/R as well as ecom-J2KNpro i. a.:
- Giant display (e.g. via PC screen or beamer)
- Recording of (course) measurements
- Management of customer data as well as measurement locations incl documentation capabilities
- Data export capabilities (Excel, PDF and else…)
Further info in the DAS 5 – Software Operation Manual.
USB Driver Software (Windows 7/8/8.1)
USB Driver Software (Windows 10/11)
PC software for connection of ecom flue gas analysers via USB cable at PC for Windows versions (7/8/8.1/10)
Further information provided in the USB driver operation manual
Illustration and protocol of measurement data courses for the flue gas analyser models ecom-B, ecom-CN,ecom-CL as well as ecom-J2KN.
Further information provided in the DAS NT2 software manual.
Data processing software for the flue gas analyser models ecom-B, ecom-CN,ecom-CL as well as ecom-J2KN.
Further information provided in the Mini-DV software manual
PC- Software Flue Gas Analysis older generation
Edition of item data JN/JNS (V7.3), KD/KDS (V6.1)
Saving of service reports, edition of customer data FN, JN/JNS (V7.5), KD/KDS (V8.1)
Representation and protocol of measurement value courses KD/KDS
Saving of service reports, edition of customer data JN/JNS (V7.3), KD/KDS (V6.1)
Saving of service reports, edition of customer data EN
Saving of service reports, edition of customer data FN, JN/JNS (V7.5), KD/KDS (V8.1)
Read-out of diagnosis and data logger data recorded on ecom-KD RAM card
PC-Software Pressure Measurement
Software for ecom-DP3 Pressure Meter:
- Processing of customer data
- Management/documentation of measurement data, i.a. in the course of TRGI measurement
- Transfer and printout of measurement data for suitability test in the DVGW working sheet.
Further information provided in the DP3Report PC software operation manual.
Recording of measurement data at PC in connection with the ecom-DP pressure meter; illustration and printout of pressure courses.
PC-Software - Diagnosis
PC software for representation/evaluation as well as printout of diagnosis data provided by ecom-AK (further information in the AK-PC operation manual
Software for ecom-Analog Output Box
PC software to configure ecom-Anolog Output Box (further information in the Analog Output Box operation manual